IJER: Indonesian Journal of Educational Research http://journal.stitmadani.ac.id/index.php/IJER <p>IJER: Indonesian Journal of Educational Research is a scholarly publication that focuses on exploring innovative and forward-thinking approaches to education. The journal is published four times a year in <strong>March, June, September, and December</strong>. The journal strives to advance the field of teaching and learning by presenting cutting-edge research, theoretical frameworks, and practical applications that anticipate and respond to the future needs of learners in a rapidly evolving world. The journal aims to foster a diverse and interdisciplinary academic community, encouraging submissions from various disciplines such as education, psychology, technology, sociology, and more. By promoting a multidisciplinary approach, the journal seeks to promote cross-pollination of ideas and foster collaborations that can lead to transformative educational practices.</p> en-US IJER: Indonesian Journal of Educational Research